Nepal Bhutan and Tibet Tour


Tiger Nest Monastery. Located near city of Paro in Kingdom of Bhutan. David Lazar/Getty Images 

Join us on this incredible Himalayan adventure as we take you to three of the world's most gorgeous and culturally diverse nations: Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. Sip steaming hot tea at the Mount Everest base camp, marvel at the beauty and majesty of the Durbar Square in Kathmandu, visit the highest palace, see what a 68-kilogram book looks like, immerse yourself in the spiritual eyes of the Buddha, and discover for yourself why it's known as the temple of the'mad monk'. See the colorful thangkas, relics, and craftsmanship of bygone painters. Enjoy the splendor of the turquoise-colored lakes in Tibet. This adventure will take you to places that will inspire you to seek the meaning of life, experience peace, calm, and divinity on this once-in-a-lifetime trip to Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.

Travel Highpoints

Discover architectural splendor at the durbar square

Get some handicrafts in Nepal from lalitupr.

Savor the spirituality of Pashupatinath temple

Visit Lhasa's Potala Palace.

Be astounded by the splendor of Sakyamuni Buddha in the Jokhang temple.

Visit the temple of Drolma Lhakang

See the Kumbum monastery, which meaning 10,000 Buddhas in Tibetan.

Admire the magnificence of the turquoise lake waters of Yamdrok lake.

See Mount Everest's splendor from the Everest Base Camp.

Explore the monastery of the "Divinely insane monk."

See the exquisiteness of Tibetan relics at the National museum.

First day in Kathmandu -

Once you arrive at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, a fresh mountain breeze kisses your cheeks. Our agent will meet you at the airport and direct you to the hotel. After the procedures have been completed, the evening will be at your pleasure. Explore the capital of Nepal to get a sense of the upcoming journey.

There will be an overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 2: Kathmandu-

Your group will be greeted with a baronial breakfast on the first day of your tour.

Our itinerary for Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet begins in Kathmandu. Our first trip will be the UNESCO World Heritage site of Hanuman Dhoka. The Hanuman Dhoka derives its name from the Hanuman statue that guards the dhoka (entry) of the durbar square. The Hanuman Dhoka is located within the Durbar square, a collection of tiny ponds, fountains, and religious structures. The durbar plaza is adorned with palaces from former Nepali kingdoms such as the Mallas and shahs. See the beautiful Royal Nepalese architecture while devouring the fifteen-language stone inscription. See the historic architecture of the Kal Bhairav temple, the statue of King Pratap Malla, the pentagonal Krishna temple, and the Jagannath temple.

Folklore has it that the Swayambhunath temple was built approximately 2,000 years ago, when the valley was formed from a large lake. The stupa is one of the most significant Buddhist temples; in this sacred location, you are certain to attain tranquility. The stupa includes a white dome and a 13-story tower representing the 13 stages to nirvana.

Your next stop will be Lalitpur, also known as the "beautiful city." The city is renowned for its exquisite metalwork and handicrafts, which are among the finest you will ever see. This UNESCO world heritage site is brimming with temples and shrines, many of them are adorned with beautiful carvings, temple sculpture at its finest, which the Himalayan winds have not been able to erode over the years. If you'd want to purchase souvenirs, visit the local Tibetan refugee market.

There will be an overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 3 Kathmandu

As you ready for the day, you awaken to the chirping of Himalayan birds and taste your magnificent breakfast. Your day will begin with devotion, so indulge your spiritual senses at Pashupatinath. This ancient pagoda-style temple dates back to the 5th century and was built with a copper roof covered in gold. The beautiful sculptures on this great antique temple will enchant you.

Next on the itinerary is the Boudhanath stupa, where two towering eyes will bestow upon you spiritual tranquility. The monument, affectionately known as "Chorten Chenpo" in Nepalese, was constructed in the 14th century and is one of the most significant buddhist stupas in south-east Asia. Colorful thangkas, gompa monasteries, and curio shops vie for space and the attention of tourists in the region surrounding the Boudhanath stupa.

The final destination for the day is the Bhaktapur Durbar Square. The historic city of Bhaktapur is renowned for its wooden and organic crafts. The newari community of Nepal resides in the city. The durbar square is replete with examples of ancient Nepalese architecture. The most notable structures in Bhaktapur include the statue of King Bhupatindra Malla, the Nyatapola Temple, the Golden Gate, the palace with fifty-five windows in Bhaktapur Durbar Square, and the Peacock Window.

Return to the hotel for the night.

Day 4: Kathmandu / Lhasa CA 408

Today, we depart for Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Tibet is endowed with an abundance of natural beauty by mother nature. Tibet welcomes you with pure mountain air, brilliant blue skies, and friendly people. When you acclimate to high altitude, embrace the natural splendor. Today, we recommend that you drink enough of water and get a good night's rest in order to be prepared for tomorrow's excursion.

- Day 5: Lhasa sightseeing

Your first stop in Tibet will be the Potala Palace, the world's highest palace according to the Guinness Book of World Records. This magnificent tower has over 10,000 tibetan scrolls, 700 murals, sculptures, rugs, and other tibetan artifacts. This palace is like a jackpot for a culture monster.

The temple of Jokhang is our next destination. The temple's statue of Sakyamuni Buddha is renowned. The Temple is a combination of Nepalese, Indian, and Han architectural influences. Within the temple are gorgeous copper tiles and intricately carved sculptures. There is a common belief that the temple of Jokhang is older than the city of Lhasa, as the temple itself is approximately 1300 years old.

Our final destination for the day is Barkhor Street.

According to history, The Barkhor Street was created to accommodate the large number of pilgrims who wished to visit the magnificent Jokhang temple.

This street is home to some of the most explicit and genuine Tibetan items, many of which were created by local Tibetan artisans. We are confident that you will persuade your customers. Here, the most coveted Tibetan antiquities are the 'chuba' (Tibetan traditional garment) and the 'Thangka' (tibetian scroll painting). The first and last customers of the day are always offered the best deals by Tibetan merchants.

There will be an overnight stay at a hotel.

Day 6: Lhasa / Gyantse

Following your delicious Tibetan breakfast, we will depart for Gyantse the following morning. On your route to Gyantse, stop at the Drolma Lhakang temple, which is dedicated to Atisha, a bengali saint from the 10th century who was influential in the development of Buddhism in these regions. Admire the view of the sacred Yamdrok lake, one of Tibet's three sacred lakes, which is tinted turquoise.

Hotel accommodations will be made in Gyantse.

Day 7: Gyantse – Shigatse (90 km / 1 ½ Hr.)

After a scrumptious breakfast in Gyantse, we will continue on to Shigatse. Our day will begin with a visit to the Kumbum monastery. The monastery is surrounded by lush vegetation Over 36 acres of land, it contains approximately 9000 rooms and 50 halls. Kumbum literally translates to ten thousand Buddhas in the local language. The monastery is renowned as the birthplace of Tson Khapa, the founder of the well-known Gelukpa sect of Buddhism. The sect gave the dalai lama and the panchen lama, two renowned Buddhist icons.

The Pelkor chode monastery is located 3,900 meters above sea level. It is one of the most important monasteries in Tibet because it houses three different sects of Buddhism: the Sakyapa, Kadampa, and Gelukpa sects. After appreciating the architecture of Tibet in the morning, we head to Shigatse in the afternoon. Shigatse is known as the 'fertile land' in Tibetan because it is located at the confluence of the Yarlong, Tsangpo, and Nyangchu rivers. The second largest city of tibet houses a lot of cultural treasures which attract throngs of tourists each year to the city. After checking in to the hotel, leave for Tashilunpo monastery which was built by the first Dalai lama. The Tashilunpo monastery houses the world’s largest gilded statue in the world, which is a sight to behold. The buddha statue is golden in color with red, orange and other colorful ribbons lining the two sides of the lord’s face. Like all buddhist statues this one also has a kind of serene calm in it, instantly calming your mind and making it devoid of worldly tensions. The Maitreya buddha is made from 275 kg of pure gold and is more than 80 feet in height. The peculiarity of this monastery is that it withstood the onslaught of the infamous chinese cultural revolution. The monastery is the official seat of Panchen lama.

Another attraction that mesmerizes tourists is the Thangka wall. The Thangka wall has mammoth dimensions of 32(h)x42(w) metres. The wall built in 1468 is a reminder about the life of sakyamuni buddha. Witness the rich colors and various mudras of buddha as you wonder how on earth can such beauty be made from hand, it must be the work of god!

Overnight stay will be in hotel at Shigatse.

Day 8: Shigatse – Xegar (Approx 245 km / 6 hrs.)

Enjoy your lavish breakfast with himalyan winds for company. Then we move on to Lhatse, but first we must visit the Sakya monastery which is the main seat of the Sakyapa school of buddhism. The library houses 40,000 ancient buddhist scriptures(ya we know, the bookworms would be delighted!) and a huge collection of thangkas and murals. Due to the presence of so many scriptures the monastery is also known as the second Dunhuang. The monastery is a virtual fortress huge in dimensions and it even has an english castle sytle moat to protect itself from attackers. A thangka depicting the meeting between kublai khan and phapka is famous as it depicts how vajrayana buddhism spread in mongolia and china. The monastery has distinct mongolian touch to it. The main prayer hall is a must see site, the lakhang temong (as it is called in tibetian) is a massive prayer hall which is spread in an area of 1550 metres, it can house 10,000 monks at once.

Once you are tired of visiting this humongous monastery it is time to give those tired legs some rest. We retire for the night at the hotel in Lhastse.

Day 9: Xegar – Everest Base Camp (EBC) (370 km / 6 hrs.)

Today is the day of adventure. First we visit the highest monastery in the world, the dza romgbuk monastery. Built by a local lama the monastery is famous for it’s breathtaking views which include the view to Rongbuk glaciar zone, the largest amongst hundreads of glaciars formed on Mt. Everest. We shall visit the Everest base camp(5200metre height) and see the most beautiful and humbling sites in the world, the highest mountain peak in the world the Mount Everest after a trek of about an hour. If a picture is equal to thousand words, then we are sure that the view you shall see from the everest base camp will be equivivalent to a million words. Seep in the breathtaking beauty of makalu, Lhotse, Cho Oyu and Mount Everest as you sip fresh coffee and ponder, why the heck didn’t I come here earlier?

Overnight stay shall be at hotel

Day 10: Xegar – Kyirong (250 km / 6 hrs.)

Enjoy your grandiose breakfast as we prepare for a Himalayan road trip. The trip we are going to take today will be remembered by your mind and heart for the rest of your lives. You will witness beauty of mountaneous proportions(literally!) as you pass through the gargantuan tibeatian plateu towards our journey to the Kyirong border town.

Sleep in the town of Kyirong during the night.

(warning! Many guests have told us they experienced gorgeous mountains in their dreams !!)

Day 11: Kyirong – Rasuwagadhi – Kathmandu (150 km / 6 to 7 hrs.)

-Ah! The tempting smell of your steamy hot breakfast or the calling mountains, which one to choose? Well you can have both. We head towards the Rasuwagadhi border as you check out from the hotel and complete the immigration formalities and cross china border to enter into Nepal. We go to kathmandu which is another scenic 6-7 hour journey.

Overnight stay will be at Kathmandu.

Day 12: Kathmandu to Paro to Thimpu by car

When you open your eyes to yet another gorgeous morning in Kathmandu, a delicious breakfast greets you. Later we check out from the hotel and travel to airport where we shall take a flight to the world’s happiest country Bhutan. The flight will pass via Paro Valley, one of the most breathtaking river valleys, on route. Flush your tensions out as you view the magnificent paro river flowing over mountains and look there is paro Dzong( the fortress) defended beautifully by the Ta Dzong(watch tower) (watch tower). As you arrive in Paro, our agent will direct you to Thimpu, which is only an hour's drive away. See the Simothkha Dzong, which name translates directly as "on top of a devil." According to folklore, the stronghold was constructed to protect travelers from a demon who was harassing them. The Dzong is the oldest Dzong in all of Bhutan and welcomes visitors with colorful murals depicting four kings who protect Bhutan from invaders approaching from four directions: Vaishravana, Dhritarashtra, Virudhaka, and Virupaksha. The most beautiful mural depicts the King of the North holding a jewel-vomiting mongoose. The utse (central tower) is three stories tall and has twelve sides. There are almost 300 slate sculptures depicting saints and philosophers. The main hall is decorated with Sakyamuni being heard by bodhisattvas, and multicolored dhvaja (victory flags) hang from the ceiling. Thangkas impart an otherworldly beauty to this location, giving the impression that time has paused.

We visit the National Memorial Chorten which was created in the loving memory of third king of Bhutan Jigme Dorji Wangchuk. The construction is a stunning white building topped with a golden spire. Chorten means "seat of faith" in the Bhutanese language, and the name is apt because many older Bhutanese perform a morning parikrama (circumnavigation) around the chorten. Among the greatest in Bhutan, the chorten has beautiful sculptures and paintings.

What is the largest book that you have ever read? How much did you say 500, 600, 700, 1000 page! The largest published book in the world is housed in the National library of Bhutan; it is so large that we cannot count its pages. Instead, we employ a different unit of measurement, weight: Bhutan: A Visual Adventure Through the Last Himalayan Kingdom is 68 kilograms and two meters tall.

The National library of Bhutan houses a great range of such artifacts, the old manuscripts are placed between blocks of wood and tied tight by cloth to preserve them.

We shall visit the Zilukha nunnery after the national library. The nunnery is a tiny building housing roughly 70 nuns, who have committed their lives to Buddhism and serving the community. Even after abandoning all worldly belongings, the nuns' expressions of serenity are hypnotic and make one wonder how they can be so content. Or is it 'because' they've given up their material belongings that they're able to remain so upbeat? In the 15th century, Drubthob Chakzampa constructed the Zilukha Nunnery. He was also renowned as the "father of Tibetan opera" and the "maker of bridges."

After discussing the purpose of life with the nuns, we visit the national institute for zorig chusum or the school of fine arts in Bhutan. This institution offers four- to six-year programs and is generally known as the painting school among locals. This school's students are proficient at painting on furniture and thangkas. Students also learn painting on wood carving, needlework, and the craft of making clay sculptures. you may very well be photographing the next Bhutanese artist as he uses his hands to make a masterpiece.

Then, our group travels to the Zangtopelri Lhakhang, which is a monaster with white walls and golden roofs. Situated on a small hill, the monastery is breathtaking against the snow-covered mountains. The individual who penned the Bhutanese national anthem, Dasho Aku Tongmi, constructed the monastery. The Zangtopelri Lhakhang is renowned for the eight statues of Guru Rinpoche and for its fascinating Buddha thangkas. The monastery is renowned for its custom of throwing dice to induce labor.

They claim that "retail therapy" is the best form of treatment, and Thimpu has plenty of it. We then visit the National handicrafts bazaar to satiate your shopping urges. The government of Bhutan operates the emporium, therefore you will discover authentic goods such as traditional hand-woven fabrics, masks, paintings, jewelry, and carved wooden objects such as arra pots.

Overnight hotel stay

Day 13: Thimpu – Punakha (Approx. 03 Hrs Drive)

Prepare for a trip to Punakha, the former winter capital of Bhutan, following a sumptuous breakfast. This three-hour trip is replete with picturesque views; photographers will be kept busy as they travel down the national route that passes via the Dochu la pass and concludes in the Punakha valley. If the weather permits, there is a clear view of Gangkar Punsum, the highest mountain peak in Bhutan at 7,550 meters.

We journey to Chimi Lakhang, the most unusual monastery you will ever encounter. The chimi lakhang, also known as the monastery of the "Divine Crazy monk," is renowned across Bhutan as a fertility shrine. Why you ask? However, it would appear that Drupa Kunley was no average monk, as pictures of phallus can be found throughout the monastery and people from all over Bhutan flock here to receive a blessing for a healthy pregnancy.

The next stop on our agenda is to one of the most significant Dzongs in Bhutan. The Punakha Dzong is no ordinary fort; it is the fort where every king of Bhutan was crowned. The Dzong is one of the most stunning structures in Bhutan, as well as the second-oldest and second-largest Dzong in the country. When sunlight is reflected on the dzong's pure, milk-white walls, the structure appears majestic. Among the cremated bones of Tsangpa Gyarey, the founder of the Drukpa school, was discovered a mystical image of Avalokiteshvara. This is the most renowned piece of art the dzong has.

There will be an overnight stay in Punakha.

Day 14: Punakha – Paro (Approx. 04 Hrs Drive)

After enjoying a delicious breakfast, you return to Thimpu. Settle into the hotel in Thimpu and depart for a city tour in the afternoon. The first site on our tour will be the Ta dzong or the Bhutanese National Museum. Tenzin Drugdra constructed this conch-shaped structure as a watchtower in the 17th century. The structure was transformed into the National Museum by King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck in 1968. The museum is rich in Bhutanese history; on display are weapons used by the Bhutanese army, copper teapots, gold and silver coins, rock-etched footprints, bronze, ivory, and iron relics. The museum features a golden-lettered manuscript known as the 'prajnaparmita' text. The museum houses the oddest artifacts, such as a horse egg, an arrowhead from the 12th century, and a statue from one thousand years ago.

Spend the night at a hotel in Paro.

Day 15: Paro

After a sumptuous breakfast, we visit the Taktshang Pelphung, also known as the tiger's nest. Guru Padmasambhava, who was responsible for spreading Buddhism over the Himalayas, arrived at this monastery on the back of a tiger, hence the name.

The monastery, perched dangerously on a 900-meter cliff and surrounded by verdant mountains, is an ideal location for meditation. Perhaps this is why Guru Rinpoche picked this location for his monastery. At the caffeteria located at an altitude of 2,940 meters, you may enjoy a steaming cup of coffee with a breathtaking view of the Alps. The monastery comprises numerous shrines and temples, and a few monks are responsible for its upkeep.

The next destination is Kichu Lhakhang, one of the oldest temples in Bhutan. The main hall was constructed in the seventh century, while the golden roofs were erected in the nineteenth century by the governor of Paro. This monastery's most famous wall painting depicts the popular warrior king Gesar. It is considered that his poetry is one of the longest poems in the world. With its intricately carved wooden pillars and snow lions holding the flower pots, the region is replete with magnificent architecture. This monastery houses a statue of Sakyamuni from the seventh century, which is one of the most important Himalayan Buddhist treasures. As you enter the monastery's main entrance, you are greeted by spiraling dragons.

Overnight lodging

Day 16: Travel to Paro Airport for a flight to Kathmandu

This is your last day of the journey, so take in the crisp mountain air as you enjoy breakfast. We guarantee stunning views of Bhutan's second-highest peak, Chomolhari, even as you exit the country. In this trip to Nepal, we hope you experienced the most spiritually illuminating, culturally stimulating, and lung-cleansing experience of your life, one that will be imprinted in your memory forever.


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